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The Offbeat Life - Be Free. Work From Anywhere

Mar 14, 2019

What is it like dating as a disabled person and as a personality in the public eye?

  • Dating can be challenging not just because of my disability but they also have to deal with my public image.
  • Never see your disability as a flaw.

How do you date when you constantly travel?

  • Meeting amazing people can be easy during social events and working on the road.
  • People in your industry will understand your lifestyle more and can be easier to connect.
  • Online dating is not really an option because of her travel schedule and the safety issue as a blind person.

How has your success affected your dating life?

  • It was a challenge that Molly never thought would happen.
  • There are some men who are intimidated by her success.
  • It is more important to be able to share your life and all of your success with no matter who is more “successful” than the other.


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