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The Offbeat Life - Be Free. Work From Anywhere

Feb 26, 2018

Have you ever wondered how to pivot your business to Kickstart growth?

This week, I talk to Jennifer Chen who is the co-founder of With Dipp. 

Having a Digital Design background, Jennifer knew she wanted to create a product that would be beneficial to small and medium-sized companies.

This led her and her partners to...

Feb 19, 2018

Have you ever wondered how you can use your current skills to become a traveling  freelancer?

This week, I talk to Elise Darma who is a travelpreneur - traveling entrepreneur.

A few years ago, while still at her 9-5 Elise started freelancing on the side, helping online brands grow their social media channels.


Feb 12, 2018

Have you ever wondered how you can create a travel community for women?

A few years ago, Jennifer O'Brien wanted to explore offbeat destinations. However, traveling solo and being concerned about safety she explored online to find resources and tips to help her navigate the destinations.

Jen came to realize that were...

Feb 5, 2018

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to create a location independent business that will help others full their dreams?

Well, wonder no more because our next guest Leah Davis has done just that! Leah is a travel blogger and a location independent lifestyle expert.

Her blog The Sweetest Way is a place for others to...