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The Offbeat Life - Be Free. Work From Anywhere

Apr 29, 2019

Welcome to the 100th episode of The Offbeat Life podcast!

It has been such an honor so share so many incredible stories with all of you.

This podcast started because I wanted to learn from all the digital nomads and independent entrepreneurs.

I wanted to learn how they were able to transition and create a location...

Apr 27, 2019

Welcome back to My Offbeat Journey! 

Today we are talking about expectations versus reality when it comes to the "influencer" world. 

It is said a lot but the pictures do not show all the truth. The behind the scenes consist of a lot of man hours, hard work and sweat blood and tears.

We are at a time where we are...

Apr 25, 2019

On this episode, we learn different beauty tips around the world and how to find love as your true self and without make-up. 



Hey Offbeat Family, I really your listening to this episode. I would love to hear more from you and what you think of the podcast.

Contact me:

Apr 22, 2019

This week I speak with Julianna Vezza who is a creative freelance food stylist and founder of Bon Vivants Creative. An agency that provides food styling, recipe creation, photography and videography for brands. 

Julianna grew up with creative parents and knew from a young age that she wanted to start a business that...

Apr 18, 2019

On this episode, we speak with Danny Newman who shares how to set up an Amazon FBA business in order to become a nomadic entrepreneur. 



Hey Offbeat Family, I really your listening to this episode. I would love to hear more from you and what you think of the podcast.

Contact me: