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The Offbeat Life - Be Free. Work From Anywhere

Aug 8, 2019

What you'll find:

What does it require to start and incorporate a business?

-Finding an attorney or accountant to check the laws and forms you need to fill out. 

-It is recommended to start an LLC that is an S corp. 

-In order to limit that liability that you will have in case you get sued. 

How long does it...

Jul 1, 2019

This week I speak with Taryn Raine who is the founder of an online wellness platform called The Remote Yogi, which helps women seek support in their transformation through the foundations of yoga.

Taryn spent her life chasing after the perfect life - the marriage, nice home, and corporate job until she had it all and...

Jun 10, 2019

This week I speak with Lena and Basam who are the travel couple behind the blog Happily Ever Adventures.

They decided to start their blog after a rough first year of marriage and

Made it their goal to inspire themselves and others to live a joy-filled life through satisfying relationships, travel, and everyday...