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The Offbeat Life - Be Free. Work From Anywhere

Feb 17, 2020

In this week’s episode, I speak with Peggy Bree who is a PASSION-FILLED Creative Entrepreneur from Toronto, Ontario. 

She dipped into the Digital Nomad lifestyle when she was 23, and has since kept this lifestyle a part of her journey while switching back and forth between full time and entrepreneurship. 

She has a remote agency called BLANK ROOM, a brand design agency that also publishes Founder Stories and Resources to help motivate the curious entrepreneurs and experienced folks make the next move. 

She launched a book called BRANDING QUICKIES, a collection from 20 BADASS women killing it in the branding game. 

Listen on to find out how Peggy has been able to create a passion-filled creative business. 

Hey Offbeat Family, I really your listening to this episode. I would love to hear more from you and what you think of the podcast.

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Show credits: Audio Engineer: Ben Smith